简单的词法分析程序和一种lex for Win32用法示例(上)
















<prog> → program <id>;<block>

<block> → [<condecl>][<vardecl>][<proc>]<body>

<condecl> → const <const>{,<const>}

<const> → <id>:=<integer>

<vardecl> → var <id>{,<id>}

<proc> → procedure <id>(<id>{,<id>});<block>{;<proc>}

<body> → begin <statement>{;<statement>}end

<statement> → <id> := <exp>

               |if <lexp> then <statement>[else <statement>]

               |while <lexp> do <statement>

               |call <id>[(<exp>{,<exp>})]


               |read (<id>{,<id>})

               |write (<exp>{,<exp>})

<lexp> → <exp> <lop> <exp>|odd <exp>

<exp> → [+|-]<term>{<aop><term>}

<term> → <factor>{<mop><factor>}


<lop> → =|<>|<|<=|>|>=

<aop> → +|-

<mop> → *|/

<id> → l{l|d}   (注:l表示字母)

<integer> → d{d} 



<prog>:程序 ;<block>:块、程序体 ;<condecl>:常量说明;<const>:常量;

<vardecl>:变量说明 ;<proc>:分程序 ; <body>:复合语句 ;<statement>:语句;

<exp>:表达式 ;<lexp>:条件 ;<term>:项; <factor>:因子 ;<aop>:加法运算符;

<mop>:乘法运算符; <lop>:关系运算符



%{ /     coded by 韩翼 from nwu    Email:8621316@qq.com    */

include <stdio.h>

include <stdlib.h>

include <string.h>

define MAX_COUNT 10000     //最大可接受id数

int process();       //处理函数 int main(int argc,char argv); int nowline = 1;      //当前行数计数器 int errorno = 0;      //出错计数器 int flag = 0;       //分支标识 int count = 0;       //id计数器 char desfilename[32];     //目标文件名 char srcfilename;      //源文件名 FILE srcfile;       //源文件缓冲指针 FILE desfile;       //目标文件缓冲指针 struct result       //id标记二元组 {  char content;  char description; }result[MAX_COUNT]; %} d [0-9]          l [a-zA-Z] wr ([0-9]+)a-zA-Z integer [0-9]+ id a-zA-Z anotherline [\n] whitespace [\t]+ %% “program” { flag = 0; process(); } “const” { flag = 1; process(); } “:=” { flag = 2; process(); } “var” { flag = 3; process(); } “procedure” { flag = 4; process(); } “begin” | “end” { flag = 5; process(); } “if” | “then” | “else” | “while” | “call” | “read” | “write” { flag = 6; process(); } “+” | “-” { flag = 7; process(); } “” | “/” { flag = 8; process(); } “=” | “<>” | “<” | “<=” | “>” | “>=” { flag = 9; process(); } “(” | “)” | “,” | “;” { flag = 10; process(); } {wr} { flag = 13; process(); } {id} { flag = 11; process(); } {integer} { flag = 12; process(); } {anotherline} { nowline++; } {whitespace} { ; } “ ” { ; } . { flag = 14; process(); } %% int process() {  switch(flag)  {  case 0:   result[count].description = “<prog>”;   break;  case 1:   result[count].description = “<condecl>”;   break;    case 2:   result[count].description = “<op>”;   break;  case 3:   result[count].description = “<vardecl>”;   break;  case 4:   result[count].description = “<proc>”;   break;  case 5:   result[count].description = “<body>”;   break;  case 6:   result[count].description = “<statement>”;   break;  case 7:   result[count].description = “<aop>”;   break;  case 8:   result[count].description = “<mop>”;   break;  case 9:   result[count].description = “<lop>”;   break;  case 10:   result[count].description = “<bop>”;   break;  case 11:   result[count].description = “<identifier>”;   break;  case 12:   result[count].description = “<integer>”;   break;  case 13:   errorno++;   result[count].description = “<wrong integer or id>”;   printf(“%s(%d) : error ‘%s’ : wrong integer or identifier\n”,srcfilename,nowline,yytext);   break;  case 14:   errorno++;   result[count].description = “<unknown identifier>”;   printf(“%s(%d) : error ‘%s’ : unknown identifier\n”,srcfilename,nowline,yytext);   break;  }  result[count].content = yytext;  fprintf(desfile,“%d: %s\t%s \n”,count+1,result[count].content,result[count].description);  count++;  return 0; } int main(int argc,char argv) {   int i = 0;  if( argc != 2)  {   printf(“No sourcecode processed : parameter error\n”);   return 0;  }  srcfilename = argv[1];  strcat(desfilename,argv[1]);  while (desfilename[i] != ‘.’)  {   i++;  }  desfilename[i] = ‘\0’;  strcat(desfilename,“.pl0”);  if( (srcfile = fopen(argv[1],“r”)) == NULL )  {   printf(“No sourcecode processed : cannot open the file \”%s\“\n”,argv[1]);   return 0;  }  if( (desfile = fopen(desfilename,“a”)) == NULL )  {   printf(“No sourcecode processed : cannot write the file \”%s\“\n”,desfilename);   return 0;  }  yyin = srcfile;  yylex();  fprintf(desfile,“\n”);  fprintf(desfile,“completed! welcome to lex by mp77,this is only a demo for compile principle.\n”);  printf(“%s - %d error(s)\n”,desfilename,errorno);  printf(“completed! welcome to lex by mp77,this is only a demo for compile principle.\n”);  fclose(desfile);  fclose(srcfile);  return 0; }

 接下来我们会介绍如何利用lex工具生成本代码的C语言源代码,并使用vc6.0编译成win32 console程序。